Mother hen

Thursday, May 14, 2015

First Farmers Market of the Season

Yesterday was our first Farmers Market of the season. I've been getting ready for it for weeks now, tending to my plant starts and buying all the gear needed for selling, like a tent, tables, cash box and receipts. It hasn't been easy with a newborn or the many set backs that I've endured, like my cold weather starts all getting knocked over or the chicken pecking at what was left and the one and only time we set up our tent it got broken pieces from the wind, but the time finally came and I was somewhat ready for it.

After forgetting to bring chairs and to get change for the cash box we made due and I had to run to the bank while my mom watched Mila. We set up the broken tent with help of our neighboring vendor and pulled my moms truck up and used the tailgate as seating. 

It was a slow day and not sure it was worth the headache really but we had a good time and I had a few friends stop in and chat is up so my only making the market fee of $5 in sales wasn't so bad. I'm hoping that the coming weeks will be better once there is actual produce to sell and people know the markets have started. 

Here's to hoping today's market will be more profitable. A new town and a new outlook 

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