Mother hen

Friday, April 17, 2015

Spring has sprung

Warm weather has finally come and the snow is receding. The spring bulbs are coming up and the chickens are in heaven searching for bugs around the yard. And I have been one busy bee cleaning up the gardens that never got finished last fall, starting seeds and planting early crops. 

I'll tell you it is a whole lot easier to do garden work without having to carry an extra 10 pounds of baby while doing it. Not sure little miss really has an appreciation yet for growing things but soon enough she will whether she wants to or not. 

I'm still trying to figure out how to get as much as I used to get done, although I'm not so sure I ever will. Things take twice as long but at least they get done and I'll tell you, you tend to really get upset when all that hard work gets ruined because it takes you twice as long as a normal person without a baby and you really have like zero free time to re-do it. So when the wind knocks over your little greenhouse stand with all your cold weather starts it feels even more devastating that you lost half your starts than it would normally. 

I'm hoping to still have some plants to sell at local farmers markets, even though the wind tried to ruin my parade, and I'm hoping my little girl will pursuade buyers to buy our goods over others just because they want to see my beautiful little sweetie. 

Only a few more weeks till the markets start and I feel like I'm moving at a snails pace in getting it all done but I have to remind myself to just be proud of the progress I've made, I mean it is hard to do it all with a newborn and I've gotten a lot accomplished. 

Everyday I try and get one more task out there finished along with the endless loads of laundry and housework that also needs tending to. But every once and a while  you just need a day to rest and lounge around on the couch and you especially need them when your little one thinks its party time at 3 in the morning and you get all of 4 broken hours of sleep. 

Even with things taking far longer to get done, I am so happy for spring and warmer weather. Just getting outside puts a whole new prospective on things and sharing them with my little peanut is so awesome. She's in awe by all the new sights and sounds. I love watching her experience it all. It's a real trip but I wouldn't change a minute of it and before I know it she'll be out there helping me. 

So for now I've got to try and be realistic about how much I can do and not go crazy at the local nusery buying tons of plants, like I normally do. I've had to reel myself in a few times already and learn to ask for help when I wasn't able to contain myself, not an easy task for me. 

There is definitely a learning curve to having a new baby and doing the things you do normally and we're still working on it. But spring has sprung and we're making the best of it and enjoying every minute. 

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