Mother hen

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Yummy Egg Cups

Looking for a good way to use up all those extra eggs? Well look no further. This is a scrumptious way to use up all the extra eggs from your chickens and anything else that needs to be eaten before it spoils.

Our girls, even on these blustery cold winter days, have been still producing quite the amount of eggs and even with making eggs for breakfast and baking we still to have an abundance, which is a great problem to have really.  So I decided instead of giving them away, yeah sorry guys, I'd make something out of them to put in the freezer for when our little baby girl joins us next month and I won't be up for cooking much, we'll have something to pull out and heat up real quick.

In addition to the abundance of eggs, I also had some cheese and chives that needed to be eaten, so that's what I put in them in addition to some bacon. Who doesn't love bacon, well besides vegans and vegetarians, and we just happened to get some from the local farm, so why not?  But really you can add anything to them, they're super versatile and wicked easy to make. Here's how to make them:

Yummy Egg Cups

  • A pound of bacon
  • A dozen eggs
  • 1/2 - 3/4 cup of milk
  • A bunch of chives
  • 3/4 cup or so of mozzarella or any cheese you have on hand
  • Salt and Pepper


Preheat oven to 375.  Line a muffin tin with bacon to make little bacon nests, and bake  for 15 minutes or so.  That's what they look like when they come out. The bacon grease naturally helps to keep the egg mixture from sticking to the muffin pan but if you don't want to use the bacon for what ever reason, make sure to grease the pan or they will stick and your muffin pan will be a real B to clean.

While the bacon is cooking, crack open the dozen eggs into a bowl, I used my large Pyrex measuring cup so it was easier to pour into the muffin tin.  Then snip the chives into the eggs using kitchen scissors, add milk, salt and pepper and the cheese.  Beat until combined.

Then pour mixture into bacon nest lined muffin tins to the brim, like so:

Bake for another 10 minutes or so until they are cooked through and puffed up nicely

As you can see I just cooked them through, to retain as much moisture as possible because I plan to freeze them, but if you like your eggs cooked more by all means bake them till they are golden brown on top.  Let them cool a bit before trying to take them out of the pan and be sure to loosen the sides and bottom by running a butter knife around the edges to loosen and make it easier to remove from the pan.

That's all there is to it.  They're yummy right out of the oven and can easily be stored in the fridge or freezer, just pop them out and heat up when you're on the go.  They will last in the freezer for about 3 months or so, but I doubt they'll make it that long.  As I said these yummy egg cups can really be made with many variations of ingredients and what ever left overs you've got on hand, so mix it up and try something different.

But most of all, Enjoy!!


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